Thursday, March 31, 2011

Peas Porridge HOT ...

I may have let these root a little long...

I put them in the ground yesterday afternoon!

The process for "rooting" the peas can be found here...

thank you again Paul for your
Master Gardener prowess.


Onto life

don't keep looking if you have a weak tummy ...

And this is the healing graft site on the roof of my mouth


Now, 2 weeks later, it feels like a pizza burn.

Still not letting food touch that part of my mouth.
and Orange Juice - No way.
It's water. All day.

(sorry for the view!)

I do feel better. The grafts, which I am not posting a picture of, because, are healing nicely.

Who knew it would take so long to feel better, but I am glad it does.

Life is busy...

we are off on a spring break adventure today. :) I will post about that later!

Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Seriously... No time...

Little man small,
having his "coffee" soup.

Look, it's like daddy's coffee. :)


I simply love him.

I feel like before the end of the day, I am out of time. I have been so very busy lately. Hardly time to rest.

or plant the peas... which were sprouty before this past weekend. they went into the ground today. Love it.

Even though we just had a night away... I am out of time. for this post, for this day... I am off to bed... to sleep and jump up and do it again tomorrow.

So much to say, but it will have to wait for another post. :)

Friday, March 25, 2011

Pictures Pictures Everywhere ...

Us, early spring.

True Story ...

Seriously ... All we, um, I have done lately (besides home-school, garden, parent, have oral surgery, play and prepare for Augusta Plein Air, that is) is go through many many pictures for our profile and read ooodles and oodles of adoption books and write lengthy reports for our homestudy. Busy, yes, fun YES! (except the oral surgery, UGH) Hubby and I both had to do the reading and writing, it was a fun thing. I always loved to devour a good book and it was nicer together. The children have even begun reading (some) of the books. They are getting excited about our adoption as well.

Mouth healing, although too slowly for me. I still have to eat soft food and all that touches the roof of my mouth is super painful. Grafts look good and feel better than yesterday, that is progress. (um, never again, did I say that yet?)


Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Happy Anniversary and the stitches are out ...

Happy Anniversary to the Love of my Life!

and in other news... the stitches came out this morning ... Yippee!
Still painful and on soft foods, but at least there is no more silly putty or plastic tray!!

Monday, March 21, 2011

my oh my ... mouth

I had oral surgery last week on Tuesday.

A Gum Graft. (actually two)

IF you have a weak constitution, don't keep reading.


They cut tissue in two spots from the roof of my mouth and stitch it to my gums. Ouch.

When the dentist first mentioned it, I asked what it felt like. He said it was like getting a tooth filled. And the roof of my mouth would feel like a bad pizza burn.

Only it's NOT. I am still waiting for it to feel that good.

In the middle of the procedure, as he was stitching (see, stitching, not stitch) I knew I was in trouble by how Looooooong the thread was he was using. It was stretched out from my mouth, presumably the first stitch. It was much shorter when he was done. yikes.

The grafts are on the left lower side of my mouth, across the front two teeth and the back molar, between the cheek and teeth. Right now they are covered with a silly putty like substance, that he called a dressing or bandage. That will come off on Wednesday and they will take out my stitches. I think I want Novocaine for that.

I also have a tray over my top teeth (like they make for bleaching), which reaches back over the roof of my mouth to protect that area, really handy to drink my smoothies or milkshakes and keep my tongue from touching it.

It is better, and continues to heal. Though too slowly for my taste. (ha ha) I did find a new soup, Pacific organic tomato. Fabulous.

I was kind of hoping I would lose a few pounds, but soft food includes Ice Cream. So maybe not.

Monday, March 14, 2011

Some awesome pics...

these are from last summer
we just found them :)

Small on the slide





Thursday, March 10, 2011

seriously ...

I am so busy ... Reading adoption books and writing summaries, planting seeds and keeping them watered, teaching these children, cooking these meals, cleaning this house, having lots of dental work done (ach), filling out endless forms and mailing them to our homestudy peeps, reading adoption blogs, articles and books (oh I said that twice on purpose) ... that I simply have not had time to update ... :( sorry about that.

We really are okay here; Tall had her first driving lesson with a professional driver (what? we felt she would benefit from another perspective and possibly the brake in the passenger seat of said training car!), Small had to be taken to the ER Sunday night after a spell of croup was beating us and the hot shower and the cold night air, he apparently needed the prednisone to get his vocal chords back in shape, Medium is getting along swimmingly in his swim class.

that said, I must go back to my reading summaries while the daddy picks up Tall from a night volunteering with the Zoo.


Sunday, March 6, 2011

Scripture and a snapshot... Spring

The spring sky around here is gorgeous.

Psalm 147:8
He covers the sky with clouds; he supplies the earth with rain and makes grass grow on the hills.

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