Bunk Beds
Super cool!!

Rocket Sheets
(Super cool!)
One of Mommy's paintings

(going to be mounted onto foam core and
hung on wall in Bedroom)
R completed this one - he loves puzzles.

Room is still a work in progress, really only finding / making wall hangings. The boys have some ideas about superheroes (which are cool, but they grow out of them) plus I have not found any really cool hero pics that go with the room. R loves Spiderman, M loves Green Lantern and the two smaller guys (K & W) are pretty good with Superman, Batman and the Flash!
I think the planets idea is fun, and will grow with them. M completed a jungle puzzle that he would like to hang also, which is fine for now... We also have a really cool Noah's ark that R completed. We still have the jungle animal stickers on the wall, so I suppose that planets above and animals below works in a boy room theme. :)