White Bear had some surgical work done! Matthan asked for him to have the head cast in the recovery room and then the nurse gave him a "matching" leg bandage.
Matthan & White Bear post-surgery

Matthan had his surgery this morning. We got up early and headed over arriving at the surgical center at 6:30a. He went back for surgery at 8:30. Dr. Otis came in around 10 and showed us the pictures of his new improved hip with K-wires in place. I think it looks cool. Dr Otis mentioned that he needed to stay and get a total of 3 doses of IV antibiotics. We worked it out that we would stay in the surgical center until 7 pm to get the medicine and then head home! I went back into recovery with Matthan while Chris took care of Westley. We were back in his room by 11am. We spent a fairly quiet day in his room, Chris ran down and grabbed us food & drink as needed. We were able to head home just after 7p. We both had a bowl of cereal for a late dinner. Matthan is currently watching a movie (he napped today) and then will be carried up to bed. Dr. Otis says he can move about as he wants to with a walker for the next week and then bear weight as comfortable for him after that. Usually they keep them off the hip for 6 weeks, but as we know, Matthan is not the normal case here. He is much younger than anyone they usually see with a slipped growth plate and it is a stable slip so weight bearing early should be no problem. We will see how cooperative he is about walking much less using a walker.
Today was long for all of us. Caitlyn came home from school and fixed herself dinner and waited for us to get home. Westley was a champ, napping well and eating well and generally smiling for everyone. Matthan was wonderful, he has the sweetest spirit and was a complete trooper for all the doctors and nurses today. He was very brave and tolerant. He is currently a little grumpy from the pain meds but it passes once we finish them and switch completely to Ibuprophen later. I should add that all the staff was wonderful to us. Chris & I made it through just fine! :)
We thank everyone who prayed for us, we felt the peace. All things considered it was a good day with no extremes and no surprises. We thank God for every second of it and praise His name.
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