The next night we moved into photography
Matthan took this shot of Westley

and this shot of Daddy

All while Daddy was trying to get this shot of Caity!

Wednesday was outside fun day at Matthan's school, so Mommy went and played outside with him. Kind of like a class party, it was a lot of fun. Thursday night was Caitlyn's last choir concert. We all headed over for the perfomance. She sang well. She is growing up so quickly.
Well, it was fabulously sunny and beautiful all weekend. The Clausen clan kept busy... Friday night found Chris leading worship at the HOP... Gateway House of Prayer.
Saturday we went to Lucas's 1st birthday... Esther and Marc cooked some amazing burgers (yes, they served meat and Esther joined in eating it, though Marc continued down his vegetarian road!). They had some incredible yummy food out for all of us, even presented with paper and plastic (and styrofoam oops!) with a recycle bin nearby. Love YOU Esther. Sir Lucas had a great time hanging out with with friends and family for his birthday... yes, I'm sure he enjoyed the presents too! It was nice to be a part of the celebration of Lucas's life, he is a super little guy. We kinda like Mom & Dad too! Ha.
We got a fabulous blessing this weekend. Paige got a visit from the tooth fairy! Who knew that when you get your last remaining upper molar extracted, the tooth fairy visits in a big way?! Bless God for all He gives us.
Sunday we went to church and had worship, an impartation session and more. Our pastors Tom and Mary just got back Friday night from Lakeland, Florida . There is an incredible move of God happening in the form of a healing revival that is spreading by way of impartation to other parts of our country and across the globe. Go to www.Freshfire.ca if you want some! The healings are amazing and there are so many miracles happening, it is hard to comprehend them all. They have it live on God TV every night.
After church today we came home for lunch and yardwork and then moved on through dinner, kiddo baths and kiddo bedtimes. We are exhausted and happy that everyone is healthy and off in dreamland.