Well, it is raining again. Spring has fully sprung around here. The narcissus, tulips and daffodils are all done. The Bradford Pear is a gorgeous green. My Purple Alium have bloomed, so tall and pretty. We have lilacs blooming and smelling awesome in front of the garage. The Lily of the Valley are all blooming. I brought some Lilacs and Lily of the Valley in for a vase on the kitchen table! The Iris I transplanted from Mom's have all come up and are beginning to get blossoms. I planted spearmint and peppermint on the chimmney side of the house to combat ants. We think we have a nest right there, as almost nothing grows and if you turned the soil all last summer it was teeming with them. We don't want to spray any more poison on it... so Peppermint it is. I just wanted Spearmint for Iced Tea. They are both very aggressive growers, so I will need to stay on top of them. In the far end of that same bed we have Cannas and some Narcissus. I staked the peonies and planted some annual seeds in front of the house today before the rain started. I still have some perennials to put out back in the (still grassy) half of the flower bed we built up last summer. Someone has to dig up all that sod (read: Chris & Caity) so I can get the plants and seeds in before summer hits. We have been waiting on a dry weekend but still wet enough that cutting out the sod is no big trick. I have all my herbs (Oregano, parsley, cilantro, sweet basil) transplanted into my deck boxes and my hanging baskets almost all out. We have two tomato plants this year, a husky cherry tomato and a Pink Heirloom. I am glad we do a deck garden, I want to find some other things to put on the deck too. A big strawberry pot would be great but we cannot eat those, we think Westley is allergic. I plan to put Caitlyn's watermelon somewhere out back, not sure where the best location would be... last year she forgot to water him daily and something (raccoon?) ate all but one fruit... though it was a very delicious melon. Enough gardening stories...
The kids are fabulous. Westley is drooling and mouthing/chewing his binky and has some good head and hand control already. He tracks well too. He is a very happy little man. Matthan is walking well, still working on full movement of the hip, but he is trying to run around too soon.. we have to stop him (and then his hip hurts later!) His last day of preschool will be May 21st. Where has the year gone? Caitlyn has until May 30th. No summer plans yet... Caity will have summer school from June 9th until July 2nd, but only if she enjoys it. I won't make her go every day. She has her Awakening Camp in KC on June 3oth to July 12th, that should be fabulous for her. We are still discussing if we can actually go anywhere this summer, at this point we have no funds or plans to do anything but visit our fantastic free zoo. (which we enjoy a lot!)
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