Sunday, February 1, 2009

Good Morning!

This is what makes for a good morning around our house... eggs cooked in the bacon grease... with hash browns and bacon. Funniest part about it is that is what we had for dinner saturday night!

The eggs look speckled from the meat bits left in the grease. The only reason the smile is there is when I went to flip grease onto the left eye... a segment of the egg fell off ... this is a smile that made itself in the pan!

We are still having sick kiddos... small boy is getting over his ear infection, but has a snotty nose and a pretty rough cough. Medium boy is still coughing a bit. The snow is still on the ground in places, but as Tall girl likes to say "it's not good for sledding anymore". (repeat phrase several times in a row, until someone notices how pathetically sad you are about this, making sure you help disappoint medium boy as you go) Medium boy is actually happy to just run around in the muddy leftovers and just be a boy.

Here he is getting to use that Christmas present finally!
As I got him ready to go out to play he says
"I look COOL"

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