Also rootbound blueberries being transplanted
YAY! My new plants have arrived. Today the yukon gold potatoes, the 24 bareroot strawberries, 2 Blueberries and 1 Absolutely Gorgeous dwarf Orange tree arrived.
I am so very excited about this.
Is it funny that I would already be thinking about a Lemon and a Lime tree! Hee hee!
The very nice UPS man dropped them off ~ BEFORE small's morning nap! Which meant I could spend that time out in the garage, preparing pots with soil and transplanting these beauties. YAY! Did I mention I was happy about all this. :)
The blueberries will grow like wild fires, and the dwarf orange will also. I put the potatoes in the basement to chit for a few days. ~ chitting is letting the potatoes grow green shoots from their eyes, so they grow faster or better once in the ground ~
and the strawberries will wait until tomorrow to go into their baskets ~ they will have to occupy some hooks inside for a few more weeks. We are not warm enough here yet.
I also planted some watermelon seeds into peat pots tonight. Just to see how that works. They will go straight into the ground for the kids to tend, after the ground warms up a bit.
The raised beds are ready. I have two for my Brandywine and Brandy boy tomato plants and a smaller one in between that will either have herbs or carrots. I also put all three types of my Nasturium seeds into trays to get them germinating. I want to put them out by the Brandies when they are big enough to keep the rabbits from demolishing them.
The inside tomatoes, pepper plants and eggplants are looking fabulous. Pics of those soon.
I did have one Doux de Espagne pepper plant suffer from transplant shock. It's leaves wilted down for several days. I moved it to a warmer location (not in front of a window) and under a grow light and babied it a bit. It perked back up today and looks as good as it's two sisters.
I am having fun setting all this up. I have to get my self watering containers ready too.
I have not yet shown you what my hubby made me for our Anniversary ~ 3 self-irrigating planters! They turned out fabulous. Pics of those and the steps to make them, later this week.
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