Two nice little beds.
And at the end of August
it looks like this...

In the left raised bed;
Three Brandywines, growing like mad with
lots of green tomatos hanging on for hotter weather.
A Doux de Espagne, with 4 green peppers waiting on hot sun to turn red.
A purple beauty pepper, dwarf in size - I don't know why - with one little purple pepper.
A banana pepper, half the size of the one in a self watering container -
also producing half the fruit as the taller one.
In the right raised bed;
Listada de Gandia eggplant, miscellaneous carrots, lime basil and nasturiums.
To the right, the tall rectangle is a re-purposed crib mattress frame
that holds a bush cucumber plant that got powdery mildew and just really did not do well.
There is a baby bush watermelon plant in the bottom right hand corner that has given us two very tiny little watermelons. One we have eaten, one is still on the vine - getting fatter?
There is still dwarf blue corn growing in a rubbermaid container. I need to pick the 3 ears left if the deer don't beat me to it.
There is also some Jacob's cattle growing with the corn.
There are two mesh shopping bags behind the corn, we will see later on if they did okay.
That's all for now!