Medium helped me pick this out of the raised beds this morning.

Small just helped me dig
in the dirt

He likes it
a lot.

This is what came out of the garden today.
After I tossed several half chewed tomatoes
into the wild blue yonder. sigh.
Silly wild animals, eating my yummy black brandywines.
well, at least there seems to be enough for everybody.
Your produce (both kids and garden) looks perfect. What do you do with the peppers? I have a gazillion of the banana peppers and am thinking about chile rellenos for dinner tonight.
I forgot (sorry) to respond to this...
I pickle the banana peppers in a Ball Bread & Butter pickle mix and then can them. That way, I have yummy crispy sweet banana pepper rings.
I also tried to make banana ring mixed with green pepper rings and they came out all smushy, because I boiled them too long. I am however salvaging it, by simply putting them into the food processor and using it as "chow chow". For all you northerners, that is a kind of pepper relish, we eat ours on top of tiny field peas or blackeyed peas! Usually with a supper of pork chops and turnip greens :). mmmm.
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