Not weight loss... Veggie Gain! I picked 2 pounds of Green & Purple beans today.
Here is some of what is happening in our containers/garden.
very tender
Remember how I said I was going to start a tomato plant from a cutting last fall? Well this is the plant, it is about 5 feet tall, very leggy from the base up to the top 2 feet, then lovely leaves, stems, blossoms and this beauty. It got awful leggy this winter under only a poor little spot grow light. Later this summer, I will buy two flourescent long lamps and stands.
and now for the awesomeness of today ...
Two lovely pounds of green and purple beans.
I harvested them today and we will eat them tonight!
(They filled the white plastic colander, I had to pour them out to get the pic)
We actually harvested some snap peas last week, enough for a few handfuls of fresh raw peas for every one of us to snack on. I did not take pictures, but it was about half the white plastic colander full.
Sorry for the lack of posting, spring slipped away from me, between planting and painting, it is the busiest season of my year. Not to mention all the melancholy feeling over the last few months, there is simply too much to process and it keeps me from posting.
Today would be exactly one month until baby Cadence would make his appearance.
It is a bit torturous for me/us.
Well, off to solve the Japanese Beetle and Mole problems out in our yard. Soapy water bucket, here they come. (Well, not the moles, that would be ridiculous).
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