We took our birthday celebrating children to the Magic House today
(thanks to the Groupon from a few weeks ago!)
Here is the day in pics ...

Small decided this tray of cutting fruit
was his new toy
He liked it
a lot
he cut it
a lot
He preferred it over painting and play-doh.
That says a lot! :)

Medium was having a blast building things

with another little long hair dude.
who, hilariously
kept thinking Medium was a girl?!
Too funny.

Small kept cutting the fruit...

we saw and played with everything today...
including the impressions wall...

We took a friend of Tall's ...




Small in the water room

There was small serving us some pizza.
so cute.

Hubby's hand
inside handprint of Rams football player

then there was the hair experiment

to which medium refused to take his braid out

and small ran away the first time.
the Bob the builder exhibit was a HUGE hit
small on Muck

Medium building a wall.

Small rang the tiny liberty bell.
(after the other 3 did!)


Medium proud of his flag

Look how it blows his face off
when putting things in the tube.

Tall taking a turn as a Judge

Chris at the Resolute Desk

Medium makes a great Judge!

Outside in the Bob the Builder exhibit.

the girls painted the walls ...


Oh yeah, running the big machinery

Medium was an iron worker

Tall mixed cement

Kennedy helped dig.

again with the painting

Beautiful Girls

Small hard at work playing.

Such a proud worker

We had a great time, for less than half price. It was a fun day and a great birthday treat.