this little table needs to get a bit bigger

We plan to seat 6 and maybe more (eventually, not all at once apparently)
We had part 1 of 3 of our homestudy visit Wednesday.
We have part 2 on Friday and part 3 on Monday.
Very exciting.
A little stressful (who knew my house could get even cleaner! ha)
The Lord has been pulling on our heartstrings lately.
About adoption,
the call to care for the orphan.
We began headed toward a domestic newborn adoption,
then curved over toward an international adoption
and now, we think simply domestic.
Though we remain open to hear His heart.
I ran across a blurb on a blog about a waiting sibling group.
and well.
my heart. was increased.
I would say broken, but I think it simply enlarged.
I was completely pierced for these siblings.
In my prayer life and in the natural and in this joyrney of adoption.
(Yes, I saw the typo, I think it appropos)
We have part 2 on Friday and part 3 on Monday.
Very exciting.
A little stressful (who knew my house could get even cleaner! ha)
The Lord has been pulling on our heartstrings lately.
About adoption,
the call to care for the orphan.
We began headed toward a domestic newborn adoption,
then curved over toward an international adoption
and now, we think simply domestic.
Though we remain open to hear His heart.
I ran across a blurb on a blog about a waiting sibling group.
and well.
my heart. was increased.
I would say broken, but I think it simply enlarged.
I was completely pierced for these siblings.
In my prayer life and in the natural and in this joyrney of adoption.
(Yes, I saw the typo, I think it appropos)
We stood up and said yes,
and today they called back and said no,
It looks like we aren't big enough on paper for them to say yes to four at once.
Their country wants to see more money in land, trusts, insurance and
savings to take on such a big blessing all at once.
and honestly
it is okay with me.
To go back to thinking of taking on only one at a time.
it is okay with me.
To go back to thinking of taking on only one at a time.
We have been praying all along for our Father's heart for the orphan.
His great love for them to be poured out somehow through us.
We will be blessed beyond measure no matter how we grow.
So we joyfully flounder through endless amounts of paperwork,
and education requirements.
And try and plan things like Fundraisers.
We are having our first fundraiser on Monday April 18th.
A local restaurant/pub is giving 10% of sales that day AND
having a silent auction of which 100% of the funds go to our adoption.
and I can try to apply for grants when our homestudy is finished.
The garden is getting planted,
things are really growing around here.
Including the sizes of our hearts.
Incredible blessing.
Thanks God.
His great love for them to be poured out somehow through us.
We will be blessed beyond measure no matter how we grow.
So we joyfully flounder through endless amounts of paperwork,
and education requirements.
And try and plan things like Fundraisers.
We are having our first fundraiser on Monday April 18th.
A local restaurant/pub is giving 10% of sales that day AND
having a silent auction of which 100% of the funds go to our adoption.
and I can try to apply for grants when our homestudy is finished.
The garden is getting planted,
things are really growing around here.
Including the sizes of our hearts.
Incredible blessing.
Thanks God.
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