Thursday, March 28, 2013

Finally, some relief...

We started a prescription antihistamine, added children's zyrtec and antibiotic for an ear infection (one that covered in case these were caused by strep - not tested for it)
These pictures are last night after midnight, after three doses of the new antihistamine.
I actually called the doctor at nine-thirty (after two doses) and asked for steroids, b/c he still was breaking out in new ones.  You cannot see them, but his scalp had hives.

 Here he is this morning,
after one dose of steroids at midnight...

Fever has reduced.  Redness and some swelling has reduced.  His little face is still swollen, but he feels less itchy (finally!) and there are not new outbreaks of hives.  He will stay on the antihistamines and steroids until I check back in on Friday with the doctor.

Thank you for all your prayers!! 

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