Monday, January 31, 2011

White Chicken Chili & 6 days to go...

2 egg omelet (no surprise really)
1/2 chocolate protein shake

Spinach salad with Annie's Tuscan dressing

White Chicken Chili
2 boneless skinless chicken breasts
1 bag Northern beans
1 med onion chopped
2 cloves garlic minced
a couple of jalepeno slices (I use jarred)
2 tsp ground cumin
1 tsp oregano leaves
1 tsp marjoram leaves
1 tsp cayenne pepper
2 Cups Organic Chicken Broth
3 Cups Water
1 tsp Lawrys Season Salt

Cube and brown chicken in Extra virgin olive oil. Put all remaining ingredients into crockpot and stir to mix thoroughly. Add chicken and cook on High heat for 5-6 hours. Can be cooked on low for 10-12, but the beans tend to be overdone.

I have enjoyed the cleanse thus far, especially the 10 pound weight loss I am currently sporting. I wonder if the weight will stay off, if I continue to eat this way. :) The only thing I do not like is that I have spent more on food this month than I am comfortable with. I will have to find a way to decrease my food budget. Spring, summer and fall would help considerably; eating in-season fruits and veggies.

Scripture and a snapshot ...

Arise my love, my fair one, come away...
let me see your face, let me hear your voice;
for your voice is sweet and your face is lovely.
Song of Songs 2:13 - 14

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Friday, January 28, 2011

Artist at work

Medium hard at play ...

You can see it spinning. :)

Dandy & GrandDawn
gave him SpinArt for Christmas.

This is the second day in a row it has been in play.

I'd say ... HUGE hit!

The boys are always begging to paint or play doh around here.
We get messy a lot. It's my favorite way to learn.


Thursday, January 27, 2011

Day 15 ... Leftover night ...

Yup. We had leftovers.

Supper was leftover chili. Skyline style with corn spaghetti thrown in. mmm.

Lunch was Spinach salad with strawberries and blueberries. mmm.

Breakfast was a yummy omelet.

I am about 9 pounds down in 15 days. I hope it continues to melt away. The temptation to cheat is still lingering about. I always want a cookie or some sweet during the day. I don't eat any but I want to.

Today ... I moved a bunch of kitchen items, that I use often but not daily out to some shelves in my studio (okay, it's really a framed in, poorly insulated, concrete floor off the back of the house, but as long as my easel is out there, It's the studio.) I digress ... Now, little things I have been running up and down to get from the basement are all in one place. Like the Foreman grill and the pyrex take em containers. Not bad for only being in this house for 6 months. A few more boxes to unpack and I might have this moved in thing down. :)

Day something of this cleanse...

1 egg omelet & 1/2 blueberry vanilla smoothie shake

Spinach salad with fresh strawberries

Chicken and Mushrooms with brown rice and steamed broccoli

and I think it is day 14 ; past the halfway point!

Monday, January 24, 2011

(In)courage ~ Bloom

~ A book community joining women to together to be challenged in a bloggy community. Daring them to receive what is between the covers of this book . . . Join me and many others...

as we go through a weekly study of

~ one thousand gifts ~ by Ann Voskamp

You can join the (In) courage Bloom community here:

There is still time to order the book and join us... it will be heart changing.


Saturday, January 22, 2011

What begins as an idea ...

What begins as an idea and then gains momentum as God pours out His heart.

The Spirit of Adoption has hit our hearts and been confirmed by God for this season.

Chris & I talked about adoption before we married. It was one of our "puzzle pieces" of confirmation. Somewhere along the way of life and babies, it came down to not being able to afford it or it simply was not the right season for it, yet.

Since we lost baby Cadence in December of 2009, we have lightly discussed it.

We have been waiting on our time of mourning to end.

We have been waiting to see what God had to say about it.

We have friends who have adopted internationally. We have friends who have adopted domestically.

Several families within our church have adopted since we got pregnant with Cadence. We have prayed for them and with them. We have held their precious ones and watched them settle into their forever families.

As the new year approached, we began to talk about the idea. Rough, sketchy, wouldn't that be a cool idea. God's heart is really for the orphan. Let's keep talking about it. Then...


We receive a financial seed toward our adoption.

Insert tears of joy here.


Next thing I know God is talking, loud and fast.

Confirming it to us,

and then speaking directly about relying on Him for ALL the funds,

and confirming it to us.

Here I am Lord. Hear I am Lord. Here I am Lord.

Ever so sweetly He is singing His heart over us. His heart for the Orphan. His song of Justice about abortion.

There is a story about how He called us to this, complete with signs and wonders. It is for another day, another post.

Written 1/19/11 Posted 1/22/11

McLinky Blog Hop

I will be with you; I will not fail you or forsake you.
Joshua 1:5

and now what was there and not showing; Is.

Never Tried it, thought I would. I have been praying for and grieving with and praying for this family at Rosecommon Acres. I have been inspired by her faith in our heavenly father that she so beautifully hangs onto in every posting. Anyway, this was on her blog and I dug it! So I linked in. Enjoy.

Medium creates ...

Merry Christmas Lizards and Bats

You shall fly Robot!

Fridays Dinner... Polenta with marinara

This is the polenta & nicely broiled brussels

Polenta (after going back under broiler for a few extra minutes)

Polenta nicely covered with red sauce

Prior to going in
I did not use anything on the polenta
the brussels have olive oil on them

This was the biggest hit
Sweet potato "fries"

Waiting in a warmer dish
(this served all 5 of us)

I really loved these brussels!

2 egg omelet

Wild Blueberry Vanilla protein shake

Green Apple


Polenta with Marinara sauce & broiled veggies

Easy peasy. Place a piece of foil in the bottom of your broiler pan. Put sliced sweet potatoes and brussel sprouts on it and lightly toss with Extra Virgin Olive Oil. Broil for 10 minutes, turn once and broil an additional 10 minutes. Take out and put in serving dish, covered with lid. Then placing a new piece of foil in broiler pan, place polenta slices (buy a tube, slice in 1/2 inch slices) in the broiler for about 10 min each side or until nicely browned. Take polenta out, place slices on plates and cover with warm marinara sauce. Serve with broiled veggies.

Dinner in roughly 35-40 minutes. Easy.

Late evening snack
Guacamole and corn chips

Friday, January 21, 2011

I'm a funny blogger ... and follower ...

and by funny I don't mean ha ha. I mean more like odd.

I don't comment on other peoples posts very often. (commonly known as lurking)

I almost never link to anyone elses blog. (I just forget, but I am trying to get better)

I really never debate things.

sometimes, as I lurk about the blogging world I find things that hit me just so.

This post by aartipaarti did just that. (make sure you scroll down in the post to the pictures, specifically the stomach picture.

I simply found the picture of the stomach and the picture of the very large coffee cup, um awakening.

I gave up coffee (yes, feel sorry for me, I still love the smell) awhile ago. I am that very energetic person that people tend to think has already had too much caffeine today. and that's when I am decaffeinated.

Caffeinated, I'm too much for most. By that I simply mean, my mind goes a million miles an hour and so does my enthusiasm and conversation. I'm overwhelming for some (but not all, I do have friends who LOVE me!)

Someone once said I had an incredible zeal for the Lord and for life. I agree. I do love my Jesus. (though it was years before that word (Jesus) meant all that it means to me now, for years I could hardly say Jesus.) (at least without feeling fake)

and I'm not a professional writer and I love parenthesis and ... a lot. :)

Oh. look I digressed. hmm.

I simply wanted to point out that during this cleanse I am doing, I am noticing so many more things about cooking and eating and general food habits (bad ones) that surround us all daily. I have been taking my family on a better course of food and habits for a couple of years now. I have not eaten as well as we are on this cleanse. And that, my friends is how we are going to continue. Eating well.
We all like the food. It may cost more, but the end result is worth the work (gardening) and expense (shopping for local fresh produce).

Thursday, January 20, 2011

Day 10

Even a dinner plate is a work of art!

The post is all white because Yup, it was a snow day.

Now, all kidding around aside...

Breakfast (big surprise here...)
1 egg omelet + handful of blueberries

Guacamole + Corn chips

Grilled asparagus & butternut squash
(I simply threw them under the broiler for about 15 minutes with a light drizzle of Extra virgin olive oil)


Now onto family movie night...

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Day 9 ... Leftovers AND Stirfry

Today's post is courtesy of Leftovers and the letter "S".

2 egg omelet

Green Apple Slices

Guacamole & Corn chips

Leftover Chicken, Rice, Veggie AND Fresh "S"tirfry.


Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Day 8

So, today we did our first bottle of the liquid cleanse. Man, that stuff needs stevia, and then it tastes to me like diet sweet tea. only chalkier, if that makes sense. Well, it wasn't great, but it wasn't undrinkable either.

2 egg omelet

Re-heated Leftover Veggies

Lemon Chicken & Capers
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts (pounded gently to 1/4" thickness)
1/2 tsp sea salt (sprinkled on chicken)
2 TBSP fresh mint, chopped (I used dried) but really, fresh is waaaay better
1 TBSP fresh basil; chopped (I used dried)
2 tsp fresh thyme; chopped (I used dried)
2 tsp sun-dried tomatoes
2 TBSP extra virgin olive oil
1/2 Cup organic veggie broth
2 TBSP lemon juice
1 TBSP dried minced onion
2 tsp cornstarch
1/4 Cup red wine (can be omitted - use veggie broth instead)
1 TBSP small capers

Combine the mint, basil, thyme and sun-dried tomatoes in a bowl and mix well; spread this filling over chicken. Roll each piece of chicken up and secure with wooden toothpicks. Heat olive oil on medium heat in large skillet (one you have a lid for). Brown the chicken for about 10 minutes, until lightly brown on all sides. Stir in veggie broth, lemon juice and onion. Simmer covered about 10 minutes or until the juices run clear. Remove chicken rolls from heat, set aside in separate dish, keeping warm. Combine the cornstarch and wine in a small bowl, whisking until smooth. Add to skillet and stir until smooth, cook until mixture is clear and thickened. Stir in capers. Serve "gravy" over each chicken roll. Perfect with brown rice and steamed vegetables.

Green Apple slices

Monday, January 17, 2011

Day 8 and I was blessed to not cook!

Normal eating day

2 egg omelet

Late lunch early supper
We were guests at Casa LoRusso.

Roasted Veggies
Butternut squash, carrots, fennel and brussel sprouts.

Wonderfully lean standing roast

View of the table

Fresh Salad
with green apple dressing

Brown Rice

It was fabulous and all the children ate their veggies (except small, he was finicky today).

Mid Evening snack
Protein Shake

Things are blossoming ...

This is my Dwarf Venous Orange Tree

This is a tiny blossom.
One of Three.

This is as in focus as I could get on an open blossom.

I am excited that this tree is doing so well. I got it a couple of years ago for my birthday. (Thanks Mom!) I have kept it in indirect light during winter and outside all spring, summer and fall. I have only transplanted it once. I expected it to be another year before it bore any fruit.

If it truly is self pollinating, I should see 3 tiny oranges grow from it this year! I will keep posting pictures.

Day 7 Grilled Brisket and veggies

2 egg omelet

Green apple slices

Brown rice pasta with pesto sauce

Supper (I love to use the grill in winter!)
Grilled Bloody Mary Marinated Brisket
1 3lb Brisket (trim off fat)
1 Cup Spicy V-8 Low-sodium
1 TBSP Lemon Juice
1 TBSP Lime Juice
2 cloves garlic - minced
2 pinches cayenne pepper
1/2 tsp celery salt
1/2 tsp oregano
1/2 tsp sea salt
1/2 tsp black pepper

Olive Oil (don't whisk in)

Score meat on both sides - shallow diamond cuts. Place in a 9 x 12 pyrex baking dish. In medium bowl whisk ingredients and pour over meat. Cover and refrigerate or cover and let stand at room temp for 30 min only. Grease grill with olive oil. Preheat to Medium heat. Sear meat 10 min per side - let meat rest 10 min. In small pan - simmer marinade for 3-5 min until slightly thickened. Thinly slice meat and serve drizzled with saude.

Green Apple Slices

Saturday, January 15, 2011

Day 6 Butternut Squash Soup mmmmmm

Some of the making of Butternut squash soup.

Puree this before serving!
This is the kind I buy, usually at Dierbergs
(beware for this diet, the chicken broth has yeast in it)
this what the squash looks like cubed and added to softened veggies.

2 eggs and 3 fresh strawberries

Snack = none

Spinach and Romaine Salad with evoo and lime juice and a handful of sliced almonds


Butternut Squash soup
one 3 lb Butternut squash; peeled and cubed
2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil (put in pan on med-low heat), Add 1/2 Cup chopped celery, 2/3 Cup diced onion, 2/3 Cup diced carrot. Saute until soft then add 1/2 tsp thyme. Add in cubed squash and 4-6 Cups of Organic veggie broth, season with salt and pepper.

Bring this all to a boil and simmer until squash is soft. Use an immersion blender to puree.

I added a 1/2 cup of pumpkin and 1/2 cup organic unsweet applesauce.(yup, homemade)

Served with brown rice crackers and a side of steamed green beans. Heavenly.

How is it I am losing any weight on this diet? hmm.

Day 6 ,,, Headaches and the diet...

So today is Saturday.

Friday, I went and had my blood pressure taken.

I have been having a headache all week, some moments worse than others, but never subsiding completely. and no, my sinus (es?) are not tender or afflicted. After 5 days of it, it occurred to me that perhaps my blood pressure was too high.


I did not want to be right. It was at 152/100. Egads. I noticed the headache the first day of the diet. I began to wonder if I was allergic to something in the protein shakes? or perhaps my body was simply rebelling against losing sugar and gluten? (ha)

On the drive back from the urgent care that checked my pressure, it occurred to me (thanks HS) that my body might not be uptaking the medicine correctly since I changed my diet.

So ... I am trying to NOT have a shake for breakfast or dinner (when I take my medicine) in hopes that it will alleviate the problem.

I did not have any shakes after lunch yesterday. and the headache went all night.

And now it is 2 hours after breakfast ... and I have a splitting headache and a flush in my cheeks.

I am so totally about to eat some bread. (not really, but I do want to)

No worries - I see my doc on the 24th for routine checkup ... will solve this problem then.
and I will do some independent research on my particular medication and the effect of diet on uptake of it.

(in the meantime - I am down 4.5 pounds already - wow)

Friday, January 14, 2011

Day 5 Red Pepper Chicken on Hummus

It was a hummus kind of day, so I decided to keep the theme going...

1 egg omelet & 1/2 protein shake (This works for me, I'm not hungry til noon)

Green Tea

Spinach salad with Tablespoon of Hummus as dressing

Hummus (the best ever)
4 TBSP Fresh lemon juice
1/4 C Water
6 TBSP Tahini
2 TBSP Extra virgin olive oil
1 Can Garbanzo beans drained and rinsed
2 small garlic cloves, minced
1 tsp sea salt
sprinkle cayenne pepper
1/8 tsp paprika
chopped fresh parsley leaves

Mix lemon juice & water in small bowl, set aside. Mix tahini and oil in another bowl, set aside. Process garbanzo beans, garlic, salt, and cayenne in food processor for about 30 seconds. Scrape sides of bowl down and then with machine running, slowly add lemon/water mix via feed tube. Scrape sides again and add tahini/oil mix via feed tube while machine is running. Process additional minute until creamy. Top with drizzle of olive oil, parsley and paprika.

Green Apple

Red Pepper Chicken on Hummus
1/3 C Extra Virgin Olive Oil
1/2 tsp Sea Salt
1/2 tsp ground black pepper
1/4 tsp dried oregano leaves
Fresh Sweet Bell Pepper (red or yellow)
1 Large Portobello Mushroom Cap (cut into 1/2 inch strips)
1 medium white onion, halved and then cut into strips
4 boneless skinless chicken breasts OR tenderloins - cut into 1" chunks
~ 10 oz of hummus

Preheat oven broiler.

In large bowl, mix oil, salt, cumin, black pepper and oregano. Add peppers, mushroom strips, onion and chicken, mixing well to coat everything. Remove from bowl and arrange in single layer on a broiler pan. Broil about 10 minutes or until lightly brown and chicken is cooked through. Stir once during cooking. Prepare plates by spreading hummus in center of each plate, forming a small well in center of hummus. Place chicken and veggies on top. Serve hot with Steamed Green Vegetables.

Snack tonight = none planned!

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Day 4 ... Leftovers...

1 Egg Omelet + Half serving chocolate protein shake

Snack - handful of almonds

Spinach salad with olive oil and lime juice
Brown rice crackers with almond butter

Snack - Strawberry Protein shake

Tonight I did not feel like cooking supper, so I simply had leftover chili. The children ate a frozen pizza. Perfect.

Green Apple!

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

Day 3 ...

1 Egg Omelet & 1/2 Vanilla protein shake

Brown Rice Pasta with Pesto

Snack Green Apple with Almond Butter

Bell Pepper Steak with Rice and Steamed Veggies

3 C Hot cooked Brown rice
1 lb lean beef round steak - cut 1/2" thick
1 TBSP Paprika
2 TBSP Extra Virgin Olive Oil
2 Garlic cloves, minced
1 1/2 C Organic Vegetable Broth
1 C sliced green onion (yellow or white onion is fine too)
2 Sweet Bell Peppers, Red/Yellow; sliced into strips
2 TBSP Cornstarch
1/4 C EACH Water and Liquid Aminos
2 Large tomatoes; pureed

While rice is cooking, pound steak into 1/4" thickness. Cut into 1/4" wide strips. Sprinkle meat withg paprika and allow to stand while preparing other ingredients. Using a large skillet brown meat in oil. Add garlic and broth. Cover and simmer 30 minutes. Stir in onions, cover and cook another 5 minutes. In a measuring cup, blend cornstarch, water and aminos until smooth and stir into meat mixture. Cook, stirring until clear and thickened ~ 2 min. Add tomatoes and bell pepper strips, stirring gently. Serve over rice.

Seriously. I am eating very well.

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Day 2

1 Egg omelet - plain
1/2 Chocolate Protein Shake

Snack handful of almonds

Spinach/romaine salad, with spoonful of sunflower seeds, a handful of fresh blackberries and a drizzle of lime juice and olive oil.

Snack - Green apple with spoonful of almond butter

Chili con carne
Gluten Free Crackers

Planned Snack - handful of blueberries

I wasn't hungry today (unlike yesterday) Adding protein in the morning really helped.

Chili Con Carne (adapted for this diet)

2 Cans red kidney beans
1 1/2 lbs lean stew beef
2 TBSP Coconut oil
2 medium onions chopped
1 garlic clove, minced
1-2 fresh chilies, seeded and thinly sliced
3 TBSP Bob's Red Mill Gluten Free all purpose flour
1 TBSP Chili Powder
1 Can chopped tomatoes
1 TBSP Tomato paste
1 C Water
2 Cups Organic Vegetable Broth
1 Large red pepper, diced
salt and pepper

Preheat oven to 300 degrees. After prepared, you will cook it for 1.5 hours in oven. Use a large oven safe soup pot (and lid).

Add half the oil to pan and brown half meat on medium-high heat. Using slotted spoon, transfer fully browned meat to a plate, while you brown the remaining meat. Remove meat and let rest. Adding the remaining oil, heat over medium heat for 1 minute, then add chilies, garlic and onions. Cook for 3 minutes, stirring to loosen the residue from the bottom of pan. Add the flour and chili powder and stir for 3-4 minutes. Add the beans, tomatoes and meat with it's juices. Then add tomato paste, water and vegetable broth. Stir until simmering, season with salt and pepper, cover and transfer to oven. Cook for 1.5 hours, adding the chopped pepper for the last half hour. Enjoy.

So precious

Love this face
and those eyes.

so handsome.

Scallops G...

I bought wild scallops fresh the other day, in order to create a lovely dish that aligned with our cleansing diet. Um, they don't keep well, so I cooked them right away.
I grabbed a recipe I had seen on a pbs cooking show with Jaques Pepin.

Happy Cooking!

Browning in Olive oil.

Cut fresh Lemon.

Gluten Free Breadcrumbs.

Chopped Mushroom caps.

Completed Dish.


We were both impressed that the scallops did not taste "fishy" at all.

Scallops Grenobloise

From “More Fast Food My Way,” by Jacques Pepin

  • 2 slices white bread
  • 2 1/2 tablespoons peanut or canola oil (divided use) * I used Olive oil *
  • 1 lemon
  • 1 pound large scallops (about 16), rinsed under cold water to remove any sand
  • 1/2 teaspoon salt
  • 1/2 teaspoon freshly ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons drained capers * I omitted - didn't have any on hand *
  • 6 tablespoons ( 3/4 stick) unsalted butter (Also why it did not work on the cleanse!)
  • 1/4 cup diced ( 1/2 -inch) white mushrooms (about 3) *I used two large mushroom caps*
  • 1 tablespoon red-wine vinegar * Also not for cleanse*
  • 2 tablespoons coarsely chopped fresh parsley, for garnish *I omitted, none on hand*

Preheat the oven to 400 degrees. Cut the bread into 1/2 -inch dice and toss the bread with 1 tablespoon of the oil. Spread the pieces on a cookie sheet and bake for 10 minutes, or until browned. Set aside.

Peel the lemon, removing the skin and the white pith underneath. Cut between the membranes to remove totally clean segments of lemon flesh. Cut into 1/2 -inch pieces until you have about 2 tablespoons diced lemon flesh.

Remove any adductor muscles still attached to the scallops. Sprinkle scallops with the salt, pepper and the remaining 1 1/2 tablespoons oil.

Heat a large, nonstick skillet over high heat until very hot, then add the scallops. Reduce the heat to medium and cook for about 2 minutes on each side. They should be nicely browned. Arrange 4 scallops on each of 4 serving plates and sprinkle on the lemon pieces, capers and bread cubes.

Heat the butter in a small skillet and add the mushrooms. Cook for 2 to 4 minutes, or until the butter browns lightly. Add the vinegar. Spoon the sauce over the scallops, sprinkle the parsley on top and serve.

Here is a link to watch Jaques Pepin prepare this dish. Happy Cooking indeed!

Monday, January 10, 2011

New Year Cleanse

Hubby and I are joining in with a group of friends, all participating in a 28 day cleansing program/diet thingy.

We start Today.

We will be cutting out all Gluten, Milk, Sugar and Caffeine. Along with following an Arbonne cleanse program. Woo Hoo.

I will be posting progress, recipes etc.



Unsweetened Almond milk mixed with Arbonne Vanilla shake powder and fiber and a handful of fresh blueberries. mmm, only not really. It was very thick, like yogurt. I put it back in the blender and cut it with water, more to drink, better consistency. Next time 1/2 water 1/2 Almond milk. Not keen on flavor.

by 11 am I was hungry. Water, water everywhere.

Snacked on a handful of raw almonds, raw sunflower seeds and a couple of fresh blackberries.

Lunch at Noon-thirty. with water.

Lettuce with Annie's Lemon & Chive Dressing. Small handful of sunflower seeds in salad.
(not my favorite dressing - better with a touch of salt)

Decaf Green Tea

by 3pm HUNGRY> tummy growling. Must Drink my snacks!

Green Apple snack. Lots more water.

Dinner tonight will be at 5 ...

Chicken and Rice Stew

Chop celery and carrots coarsely - saute in Olive oil until soft. Boil boneless skinless chicken breasts with carrots and celery (and garlic, salt and pepper) for about 30 minutes. Remove from heat and strain through cheesecloth, reserving broth. Adding new diced carrots, celery to a saute pan with olive oil and saute until veggies are soft. Add veggies and diced cooked chicken to pot. Add reserved broth and uncooked brown rice and simmer for an hour or more. Add garlic, salt and pepper to taste.

That should fill my tummy yummy. I'll let you know.

It did! Yay.

Thursday, January 6, 2011

We did go to Branson after Christmas...

We stayed in a lovely condo at Stillwaters resort...

Huge Whirlpool tub in our bathroom. and a Gorgeous view from our deck

our trip to Silver dollar City
on the warmest day of December ever.
It was about 60 degrees and sunny off and on all day.

(pictures in reverse!)
small on the Ladybug ride
looking up at the center piece

Medium and Tall
on the Butterfly / Caterpillar ride

Medium enjoying the Frogs!

small on the Ladybugs again

This is for Bizzy
Taken inside the Chapel Log Cabin
The oldest two were briefly arrested...

We, of course, rode the Train

Possibly the best roller coaster ride the two of them will ever enjoy together.


Small and Daddy
and Medium on frogs right behind them!

This was a favorite
because he could ride alone
and mostly because there was never a wait line.
Daddy & Small

Medium & Tall

a bit blurry,
because he moved his head around during the entire ride.
silly small.

Small & Tall

Loved this ride.

While Daddy & Medium & Tall went on Flooded Mine
Small found the Train Conductor!

Very cool.

Medium & Tall were put in time out,

I took Tall & Medium
to "White Flight" at the Butterfly Palace
one day while Daddy & Small tried to rest & feel better.

This is the living angel.

This is a Greta Oto.
It's wings are transluescent.
Very Pretty.

My Adventurers.

The Boat Docks at night.

This was a photo op in front of the
Showboat Branson Belle.

(small is at the wheel and moving)

Again the boat docks at night.
So cute my children are.

We had a relaxing time and will try to go back to stay at Stillwaters Resort. It was nice to be able to cook our own breakfast and lunches and even a dinner or two. I was also able to throw a load of laundry through in our own condo. Nicer than a hotel in many respects. We also enjoyed all the holiday lights around Branson.