Wednesday, March 4, 2009

Seedling Progression

Listada de Gandia (Eggplant!)
Doux de Espagne (Peppers)
Another look at the newly transplanted Eggplant (they were outgrowing the peat pots)
All the little tomato seedlings, doing well!

The purple pepper plants are slow, but coming up a little.

I also just planted strawberry seeds. I was supposed to start them 16 weeks before the last frost... but I just bought them, so we will see how fast they grow. I also ordered 24 plants to be delivered in spring. I wanted to see which does better - plants or seeds. I will keep you posted.

The tomatoes are not just for my little container garden... I will be sharing about 15 of the seedlings with friends. My germination rate was high, which benefits everybody!
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